Friday, 16 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434

Selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah kepada semua :)

As usual, new year comes with new resolutions.. So what's your resolution for this year?

  1. To be more positive - think positive, say positive, write positive, act positive...Pendek kata sume positive la.. No more menyesal, malas, mengeluh, etc etc yg negative tu..
  2. Solat awal waktu
  3. More recite Quran
  4. More puasa sunat
  5. More patient with Hanif, my little hero. I want him to be a good Muslim & be good example for him
  6. More excercise - need to be more active & keep fit..This one really hard to keep up..huhu

Hopefully this will be made easy for me..O Allah, please help me to be a better person & more pious

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Monday, 29 October 2012

Good Bye my Swing pump {for now}

Today I have decided to stop pumping for Hanif due to congestion at our female prayer room...I've been pumping for 20months now. The people are keep changing but aku masih setia...hehe..It's quite sad & not easy decision to make, but I've decided to give way to new mommies who're also want the best for their babies, especially those with newborn baby below 6month-old. This doesnt mean I'll totally stop bf my Hanif. I'll direct feed him if he still want to, which I believe he loves it very much :)

Go go mummies.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Warna Warni Aidiladha 1433H

Its raya time!! :) 
However, its too tedious to rearrange chronologically.. So enjoy reading the caption :p

Raya haji ke-2 i.e. 11 Zulhijjah, dirumah MIL

Hanif is soo creative to ride the motorbike miniature

Enjoying himself ^_^

Tried different angle plak..

At night, we went to Jusco Tebrau.. Terus berlari menuju ke arah ruang bermain tanpa menunggu ibu abahnya.. My Hanif is soo adventurous :)

Cried in protest because we took him away from the car

"I want to ride that car!!" Haha, of course that was translated by me only..Hanif still cannot talk properly..masih x berbutir

Missing his baby carseat
During raya haji, in the morning after solat raya. 1st day was at my home at Keratong :)

Hanif control hensem ^_^

His eyes are swollen from crying at the mosque. I cannot even put him down..asal nak letak je nangis..end up x dapat solat sunat aidhiladha..sebak je sbb kena berdiri kat luar masjid sbb nak pujuk Hanif supaya x nangis, huhu..

mata sembam pon boleh wat muka comel gak

Hanif cumel!  'excuse me for always praising my son..haha..every mom will see their own child as the cutest lol'

Bergelut untuk melepaskan diri dari abah

Owh, nak kuih raya rupenya..

pilih, pilih..

Ok, I want this one

Tolong buka kan

Nak duit raya..hehe

Eh, kopok raya rupenye..

Peminat kopok, kepek, kacang

Petang raya, dah tukar baju lubang2 plak sbb panas..berjalan2 keliling rumah atok

seluar pon dah senget :p

with toknek :)

ok, gambar kat jb semula..Sunday morning, with new toys..beli kat jusco tebrau the night before

Untuk kenang-kenangan di masa tua2 nanti :)

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Sambil sambil..

Update data kat PLM & CATIA ni memanglah sgt2 time-consuming...So untuk tidak menbuang masa...mari kita lihat gambar Hanif :)

Engineer to be?

Or master chef? Memasak sambil beramal, hehe

Tp laptop ni mmg best la...

Tidor gaya bebas...terbaek!

Gaya bebas no2 hehe

Hanif skang ni suka follow orang azan n mengaji, tp dlm bahasa baby die la...kadang2 kalo ada lagu pon die follow nyanyi gak...kalo mood die ok, die akan ikut lagu boboiboy start dr part 'Ying!..Yaya!...Gopal!...dan superhero kita...Boboiboy!!' Tp of course la nama Gopal die x reti sebut lagi :p nama Boboiboy jadi 'bob-bo-boi' ....cute kan, hehe...

Jalan pon dah makin terer, walaupon kadang2 goyang2 lagi...dah start try2 nak lari, jalan makin laju..xnak dipegang :p kat rumah suke practice jln reverse..xtau sebab ape, hehe..

tp sume ni x sempat rakam lagi...huhu...will try for our record when we're  older nnt :)

k, till then :)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Rukun kekufuran & tanda hati mati

Rukun kekufuran (Source: motivasi pagi IKIM FM)
  1. Bongkak
  2. Hasad
  3. Pemarah
  4. Hawa nafsu

Tanda2 hati mati (source Ustaz Khairudin Haiyon) 
  1. Bila menafikan kebenaran Islam (dlm ibadat, jenayah etc.)
  2. Menafikan hak Allah Taala (cth solat, puasa)
  3. Sering melakukan dosa & tak mahu bertaubat pada Allah
  4. Bila melihat saudara ditimpa musibah, rasa gembira  
  5. Bila gagal melaksanakan amal makruf pd dirinya sendiri 
  6. Bila mana disebut syurga & neraka baginya tiada apa2

Marilah sama2 memohon perlindunganNya & pertolonganNya  
Mudah-mudahan kita dilindungi Allah dari sifat2 di atas, amin..

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Duit bukan segala-galanya..Duit hanya alat untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah...Semoga diriku dilindungi dari sifat tamak...amin...
Few points as reminder for myself:
  1. Rezeki, does not necessarily means money..The good family we have, the nice work place & environment  we usually take for granted, the air we can breath, the time we have to spend with loved ones, the desire to solat & do good deeds, etc, etc are all rezeki
  2. Be grateful for the gift of Islam & Iman
  3. Sedeqah murahkan rezeki, dosa sekat rezeki
  4. Allah makes certain thing unknown for us so that we hope & pray for His help & forgiveness
Berdoa agar keluargaku diberkati & diredhai Allah, semoga sama2 menjadi ahli Jannah

"Ya Allh, jadikanlah aku tergolong dalam golongan yg diredhai-Mu. Murahkanlan & berkatilah rezeki kami sekeluarga...amin.."