Monday 18 February 2013


Believe it or not,  I have been working in my current company for about 5 years now - 4 yr & 3 mth to be exact. I hardly believe it because I never really intend to stay this long..I consider this company is quite under-pay compared to other competitors, hardly have bonus - normally we'll get average 0.5 - 1 month bonus, and soo many unpleasant rumors in the air.

Although i must admit that i like my current bosses right now; both my manager & lead are supportive & understanding, i think maybe now it's my turn to make some change. Well, sometimes my lead pushes me and made me stress, but i know he only means good & to make me better engineer - positive, positive :) Hijrah is good for sure, even we might intimidate on what waits us in the new environment but that's the way we learn to be more mature & valuable. Experience is priceless, right?

Well, we'll wait and see..who knows my rezeki is still here..(Waaa... T_T) but after all i confident that Allah knows what best for me, my religion & my family..

~keep praying~

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