Thursday, 2 May 2013

Hanif's vocabulary

Wow, it has been soo long since I write in this bad :p

To make it short, let's talk about my dear Hanif's vocabulary. We are still struggling to figure out what he was talking..but i think i cracked these correctly... :)

1. buuu..hanif lak = ibu, hanif berak
2. fuut = kasut
3. huun = phone
4. fuu = susu
5. kit = sakit
6. anak = tak nak
7. nak = nak
8. cin = licin
9. dap = sedap
10. eboll = ball
11. lon = balloon
12. taa = car

These are among his words that i can cracked..the rest, only he & Allah knows :p

ok, this was short, but surely will be one of my sweetest memory (as i'm pretty sure if i dont write it down i will completely forget about all this)

ok, before we say goodbye, enjoy hanif's pics..he sure does grow up fast :) but sadly his weight still 10kg at 2yo..

ok, bye

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