Tuesday 21 January 2014

Placenta Previa (Uri di bawah)

Just heard that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with Placenta Previa (PP) Type III. So I googled PP and found a very good info about it. So I figured it would be useful to note down what I've learn about it. Hope this will help other pregnant mommies out there :)


Placenta Previa (PP) is one of pregnancy complication where the placenta (in Malay we call it 'uri') lays unusually low in the uterus (womb). During early pregnancy, it common for placenta to be low in the uterus. As pregnancy continues, the uterus stretches and grows hence moves the placenta to the top of uterus. However, in some cases placenta does not moves to the upper uterus even after week 28, and this is called Placenta Previa.

There are few types of PP, and each type has different risks & impact on how you will deliver your baby. The types are:
  • Type I: Low laying ~ placenta is at the lower part of uterus, but does not cover the opening to cervix
  • Type II: Marginal ~ placenta is at the edge of the cervical opening
  • Type III: Partial ~ placenta covers part of the cervical opening
  • Type IV: Complete ~ placenta fully covers the cervical opening

Vaginal birth (normal delivery) is possible for those with Type I & Type II PP, nevertheless for those diagnosed with Type III & Type IV PP need a cesarean (c-section). Vaginal birth for Type III & Type IV is not an option due to it can cause severe bleeding and can be life threatening to both mother & baby.

The main symptom of PP is painless, sudden bleeding from vagina during 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester. This can be confirmed by ultrasound scan.

PP is more common in women who: 
  • Have PP in previous pregnancy
  • Have C-section before (the more c-section, the higher the risk)
  • Have some other uterine surgery such as fibroid removal and D&C
  • Are pregnant with twins or more
  • Are cigarette smoker
  • Use cocain
  • Have their children at older age
  • Have many previous pregnancy
If we have one of these risks of getting PP, better be prepared :) Be aware of the early symptom and straight go to the doctor if bleeding occurs.

More detail info can be found & read  here, here and also in this page.

Ok, hope this info will be useful for me as well :)

Love, Azizah

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