Duit bukan segala-galanya..Duit hanya alat untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah...Semoga diriku dilindungi dari sifat tamak...amin... |
Few points as reminder for myself:
- Rezeki, does not necessarily means money..The good family we have, the nice work place & environment we usually take for granted, the air we can breath, the time we have to spend with loved ones, the desire to solat & do good deeds, etc, etc are all rezeki
- Be grateful for the gift of Islam & Iman
- Sedeqah murahkan rezeki, dosa sekat rezeki
- Allah makes certain thing unknown for us so that we hope & pray for His help & forgiveness
Berdoa agar keluargaku diberkati & diredhai Allah, semoga sama2 menjadi ahli Jannah |
"Ya Allh, jadikanlah aku tergolong dalam golongan yg diredhai-Mu. Murahkanlan & berkatilah rezeki kami sekeluarga...amin.."