Tuesday 17 July 2012

Packed weekend

Last weekend (14-15 July 2012) was quite hectic for us..On Saturday, head to JB to visit in-law..Last balik JB was on 21st April..

OTW to JB..Pit stop for abah, Hanif never fail to grab the steering :)

Cool driver..just 1 hand, hehe

On Sunday, we have to depart early ~ at 1.00pm in order to fetch my sister at KLIA..She is home for Summer holiday..At KLIA, my dearest Hanif berdrama sket.. He wanted to walk on his own even when he was too tired to stand straight...He rather crawl than being carried up by me..Too bad that my phone battery went flat..If not I would have record his action to show him when he grown up :p ~bukti kecerdikan anak ibu :) It was tiring, but when I thought about it again, it was kind of funny..He walked aimlessly, and when there's another toddler around his age passed by, he became so excited! Alhamdulillah anak ibu ni so active & smart ^_^

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