Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Our ending, how would it be...

Death is sure...are we ready?
Yesterday I was listening to IKIM FM on the way home, the topic was sakaratul maut...

One of the reminder from the ustaz (forgot his name) that really really strikes me is "macammana kita nak harapkan semasa sakaratul maut kita dapat mendengar kalimah Allah sekiranya semasa hidup lebih banyak mendengar lagu2 rock berbanding ayat2 Allah & zikir?"

It makes me think, am I really ready to face death? What if my time is tomorrow, and I still don't have enough good deeds to ensure my place in Jannah? My sins are too much & still I procrastinate to repent to Allah? 

Ya Allah, please forgive me for my sin and please give me your hidayah & taufiq, also strength to fight temptations from syaitan & nafsu...berilah kesudahan yg baik untukku, suamiku, anak2ku, ibu bapaku, keluargaku & guru2ku...matikanlah kami dalam iman & islam...amin...

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