Monday, 25 June 2012

21.06.12: Happy 16-month-old my dear ^_^

Progress to date:
Master at memanjat

Dah jadi macam 'singgahsana' plak, hehe
  1. Still cannot walk, hehe...xpe la, ibu tau hanif x ready lg nak maen kejar2 ngan ibu...kejar2 merangkak je dulu ye, hehe :p
  2. Talk a lot, but with his own language :p However if someone wants to talk to him over phone, he suddenly become very shy including his abah ~ maybe wondering how abah could fit in the small phone kot :p
  3. Loves climbing up the sofa & bedside table
  4. Loves to play at the playground, but ibu telah catu masa main disebabkan jerebu, huhu...
Bgn tdo cari lorry

Sebelum tdo, main train

5. Keen of car steering, lorry (actual & toy), train (toy je, x penah tunjuk yg actual lg :p)

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