Thursday 14 June 2012

Health screening @ DEMC

Today I finally set an appointment for executive health screening at DEMC, after working for 3year++..what a waste, our entitlement is once every 2 year..

Anyway, here are the flow of my health screening

7.15am ~ leave home

7.50am ~ arrived at DEMC

7.55am ~ register at DEW. I booked for 8am session, so better to arrive early

8.30am ~ take blood & urine sample. For blood sample, the nurse had to jab my arm twice...well, layankan je.. i looked away and say to myself that giving birth to Hanif is way more painful than this...the trick works - xde rasa nak pitam, huhu...*shame*

8.50am ~ take weight, height, check eye vision & check heart *forgot the term that the nurse use for the heart checking **note to myself: need to diet soon --i'm sooo fat!!

9.05am ~ went to the X-ray section. The 'juru x-ray 1' asked when is my last period, i said before my 1st pregnancy. He asked again, now? i said not yet since give birth till now. Then come 'juru x-ray 2', also a man, said that i have to do UPT test 1st to confirm that i'm not pregnant. Me? layankan lagi....but  the UPT cost is! so expensive maa! after waiting....'juru x-ray 3' called me to do the x-ray, now it's confirmed i'm negative

10.00am ~ had my breakfast, go to DEW for time slip & pay for the UPT. For time slip, the allowable duration is max 2hr only - OK, fine la for people who want to nih korang yg wat lambat, aku yg nk kena penalty? hampeh btol...Masa ni blom siap lg..aku dtg pkol 8, die gi tulis pkol 8.30 supaya bleh letak habis pkol 10.30 ntok cover kelembapan derang...cesss...Then head to down-stair clinic for pap smear test. While waiting for my turn, DEW staff called me saying that they have to take my blood sample again because the earlier sample has harden...what the..? Buleh camtu ke? Ish, dah la saya ni lemah bab2 amik darah nih...hampeh lg skali...

10.40am ~ Surrendered myself at lab for blood sample taking once more...huh!

10.45am ~ Finished everything & head to office  *smpi ofis pkol 10.55, hmm okla...**seb baik mende ni free, layankan je la hosp ni punye kerenah...

Result review will be on next Monday, 18/06/12 at 2.30pm. Hopefully this this time it will go smoothly. I wonder what would i do if they say they had to take my blood sample again for whatever reason...huhu...

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