Friday 29 June 2012

My dear Hanif already walking

Yesterday 28th June '12 Hanif is finally can walk by his own! At his babysitter's house, at age of 14month 

Good job son ^_^

All of his major milestone are mastered outside our home though :p
  • Move on his tummy (mengesot) - he got this at my mom's at Pahang, around raya 2011 ~ August 2011. He's about 6month this time.
  • Mastered the art of crawling at one mosque during our trip to Cameron Highland on 10th Dec 2011 ~ about 8month. Jauh tuh...hehe..

*Abah still dont see hanif walking...this morning he refuse to walk, maybe still sleepy..Never mind, Hanif can still try tonight.
**Tak sempat snap his pic @ redord video in action lg.


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