Thursday 7 June 2012

Universal Studio Singapore visit: 26 May 2012

Just want to share my experience to those who's planning to go to USS next time :)

Basic background on USS
  • It has 7 sections with its own theme; Hollywood, New York, Sci-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar.
  • Each theme has their own unique attractions, most of it based on universal famous movies.
  • For ride/roller coaster die-hard fan,  they must try Transformers the Ride, Battlestar Galactica: HUMAN vs CYLON and Revenge of the Mummy. Little tip: go straight to the right after you enter USS. You might want to try Transformers first because this ride is really famous :)
  • For those who just want to enjoy their time with family & little one, the Lost World, Far Far Away & Madagascar sections will surely entertain you & your family. Little tip: you might want to straight go to the left side upon entering the park
  • For those who love to take pics, the whole park is yours!! lol
  • More detail info can be read here  & here by Mr Wiki  :)

My trip ~ with Mr. Hubby ^_^

At the famous globe ~ just before we queue-up to enter the park
The trip was organised by Kelab Proton and this is the first event that I joined after getting married. It was a short & packed trip ~ here's the itinerary:
  25/05/12, 11.00pm - Gathered at Proton Shah Alam
  26/05/12, 12.30am - Departed to Singapore
                      9.45am - Arrived at USS
                      3.30pm - Head back to Shah Alam
                     11.50pm - Arrived at Shah Alam  
Mr. Hubby has encouraged me to quickly register the trip. Few hour after I confirmed with the committee that I want to join, a notification email was sent to announce that all places were! Later on, I found out that total participant for this trip was 280 (originally only 200 places offered) and we will have 7 buses for the trip. Wow again! Just imagine how hard to manage all these people including the small children...Thumbs-up to the committee - eventhough there's still room for improvement :)

At first we wanted to bring Hanif with us, but after giving thorough consideration we decided to leave Hanif with his beloved babysitter. We even get his passport done! That's to describe how last minute we decided not to bring Hanif, and it turned out to be great decision! He does not has to wait long before we're all allowed to board the bus just before depart to Singapore, he doesnt have to bear the heat at USS~it was hot that day even though it was cloudy in the morning, he doesn't need to sleep in the bus, he doesn't have to wait long at the emigration~waiting for one of the participant who decided to go with group passport, but does not placed in the same bus with the rest of the group~we're the victim here, and most importantly he is well fed by his babysitter & can sleep comfortably there :) 

Since we have very limited time, we decided to try all the rides first then take picture later. The must-try rides for us was Transformers, Mummy & Battlestar Galactica. We're not roller-coaster die-hard fan, but we still enjoy the adrenaline rush during the ride. So when the rest of us took pic at the famous globe, we queue up to enter the park. As soon as the entrance is open, we rushed to the transformers ride at Sci-Fi section. When we arrive, the waiting time was only 20min. The ride was awesome!! The 3D effect is really convincing. Everyone should try this :)

Enjoy the transformers ride first, then take pic :p

Next ride: Battlestar Galactica. It was cloudy at this time.
Our 2nd ride was Battlestar Galactica, also in Sci-Fi. This roller coaster has 2 tracks; Human (RED) & Cylon (BLUE). The waiting time was surprisingly only 5minute, maybe it has something to do with the cloudy weather...lucky for us. We only tried the RED one since the BLUE one is inverted type roller coaster i.e. your legs are hanging freely & at some point you'll be upside-down. The BLUE look scary from below, so we opted for the RED first (despite the fact that we actually hesitated at first whether to try it at all :p) & maybe will try BLUE track if we have time later. So there we go with RED ride. It was thrilling!! & awesome!! & exciting!! :) I just found out that the roller coaster speed can reach up to 90km/hr ~ no wonder I felt like I've experienced free fall at certain point along the ride :p

Then we off to the Ancient Egypt section for Revenge of the Mummy ride. It's an indoor ride & most of the time during the ride we were in total darkness. The waiting time here also short for us, only 15minute. We wonder where were all these people has gone. Here, you'll feel like you enter a pyramid! Nice concept.

After finished The Mummy ride @ Ancient Egypt

@ Jurrasic Park
Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure
Climb up for your life!
Waterworld live show

The next few sections were more relaxing for us. We had a go for Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure atThe Lost World. The ride was OK, not so adventurous but you might get wet at the end of it and then enjoyed Waterworld live show. We had lunch at one of restaurant at Far Far Away. And yes, as expected the food are costly~but what choice do we have.. After ate our lunch, we queued up for Shrek 4D adventure show. The waiting time was 25minute. By the time we passed Far Far Away & Madagascar, we no longer rushing for any specific ride. So PICTURE TIME!! :) 

The restaurant was crowded

The famous Far Far Away castle

Presenting.... Shrek!!
Me, Melman, Alex & the genius + cute penguin :)

Battlestar Galactica roller coaster as the background. Definitely will try the BLUE ride next time!!

The last two pictures were taken just before we exit the park. Really enjoy this trip :)
Definitely want to come again next time & try all the rides!! And also take lots more picture :)

Rite, till then...

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